Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Anis' Birthday Party

Put aside the fact that I’m 35 weeks pregnant (and my pelvic area and hips and legs ache so badly lately, plus I get contractions for almost everyday now – hmmm…Braxton Hicks, everyday???), I just had to throw a birthday party for my little girl. It’s her first birthday; and I want to make it special for her, although she doesn’t understand a thing….I would feel bad if I don’t….

So, last Saturday we invited few friends (which turned out to more than 50 guests, hehe) to our house for a little celebration cum Raya Semi-Open House - since we are still in the Raya mood.

Okayla, just some makan2 (all ditempah okay….gila ape nak masak tengah sarat2 ni)…at least we can tell Lil Anis that we did celebrate her first birthday…:)

p/s The next day, I felt terrible pain at my pelvic area, and can barely walk. Gi klinik, dapat 2 days MC. Hehehe…Penangan birthday party Anis.

Birthday Cake for the Birthday Girl

The food - everything ordered

Many faces of Anis, from Day One to One year old...

Monday, October 20, 2008

Saje membebel....

"Bila Kak Nani nak start cuti ni??? Sarat sangat dah saya tengok"

"Bo (udoh) la tu, bawak2 la bercuti...."

"Bila due ni? Nampak terik (tegang) dah perut tu"

"Besar perut ko kali ni eh? Bila nak cuti?"

"Dah berapa minggu ni? Dok rok (tak larat) dah nampak"

I've been getting those kind of questions for the past few days...Memula tu bagi jugak la polite reply kan...like..

"Insyallah, minggu depan last la, pastu ambik cuti, balik kampung"

Or...."Itu la, dah tak larat gak ni...."

Tapi bila ramai sangat dah tegur...

"Ala, relax la, baru 36 weeks...."

I really do appreciate the concerns. Berat mata memandang, sesungguhnya berat lagi perutku ini...Nak kata baby besar, takde la sangat. Last (2 weeks ago), doc estimate baru 2.4 kg. Tapi perut memang nampak cam dah nak meletup. Allahualam. Asalkan baby ni sihat and selamat, I don't mind carrying this weight for another one month....

Thursday, October 09, 2008

Aidilfitri 2008

We would like to wish "Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri" to all our friends and families. Hope you had a wonderful raya celebration. Kepada yang sudi menghantar sms raya, terima kasih diucapkan. Sori tak sempat nak balas. :)

Some raya pics untuk tatapan semua...

p/s Lil Anis is turning 1 tomorrow...:) Dah besar anak Mama ni....

In her tiny Baju Kurung (Courtesy of her Tok Nyang).

Oh btw, Have I told you that she can walk on her own now? Took her first step just few days before Raya.

Saturday, September 13, 2008


I’m very happy to get to know that my frens are still checking out my blog for updates…Ingatkan dah jarang update ni takde la orang nk visit :)

They said, this is the only way for them to know my keadaan semasa…Maklumlah, nak ber-email pun jarang dah la ni. Apatah lagi bertelefon. Everyone’s busy in their own kinda way…

So, to please my devoted readers (ecece…), here’re some updates for your reading pleasure….

On myself....
o Hmm… What is there to update? I’m still working here in Kerteh – it’s been 6++ years already (can you believe it???!!!). Dari zaman anak dara, sampaila kawen, anak sorang, la ni dh nak masuk dua…Huh, my life had changed a lot for the past 6 years, heh?

o Work as usual is STRESSFUL! With the current organization structure, I have 4 bosses to report to! Even for a simple report, I have to get approval from 2-3 bosses, and if I’m lucky, I can get it done in one review. If not, kena buat over and over again until all the bosses puas hati. And you know la, each boss pulak ada interest memasing, so nak kena please them all. Most of the time, you can’t lah. My immediate superior always said, when they give me task, they want to see whether I sink or swim. Macam mana la nak swim, kalau ada about 10 tasks in hand, semua high priority pulak tu! Crazy!

o I turned 29 last August. Also in the same month, was our 2nd year anniversary. We did not celebrate extravaganza-ly though, just a nice and quite dinner at *****. Mulanya plan for vacation, tapi with my third trimester pregnancy, plus Little Anis yg semakin lasak, we just had to postpone the trip. Hmm, nampaknya kena tunggu anniversary yg ke-10 baru boleh gi jalan2 kot.

o I’m now 8 months pregnant. But my perut looks like I’m about to meletup anytime soon. My back, hips and legs ache so badly nowadays. Jalan sikit dah mengah. Berdiri tak sampai 10 mins dah semput. But alhamdulillah, puasa boleh lagi. Cuma pagi2 tu budak kecik dalam perut ni tendang tak ingat punya la...Hehehe...lapar la tu. Last year in Ramadhan, I was pregnant (with Lil Anis) as well. Dah 2 tahun takde baju raya (yg glamer). So I told Azmir that nxt year I want to have 9 pasang of baju raya for myself (3 pasang x 3 tahun), so he better starts saving now. But he just laughs.... Cheh! Ingat orang main2 ke?

o Insyallah, my EDD is on mid November, 16th to be exact. But that’s just estimate. Lil Anis dulu keluar lambat, kena induce sebab dah exceed due date. Tolak cuti raya, ada lebih kurang 5 minggu lagi nak kerja. Pastu I’m gonna take MC and balik kampung, and wait for this little baby to pop out. Counting days…

o I’m still driving my yellow Kelisa. I want to upgrade the car actually, but Hubby said takyah lagi. That car can be used utk gi jalan dekat2 or buat gi pasar… But my yellow car tu is manual-driving, dah penat sebenarnya bawak manual ni. Tu yang nak tukar ke auto tu (and dah alang2 nak la beli kereta yg bagus sikit..hehe). Tapi sejak Pak Lah and kroni dia increased the petrol price (not-so) recently, terpaksa la postpone dulu plan tu. What a hurried (and dumb) decision the Abdullah’s government had made. Now the crude oil price had gone down, they reduced the petrol price to win back the people. Nampak sangat masa buat decision dulu tak pikir panjang.

Just a little updates on Lil’ Anis….
o She is now 11 months old! What can I tell? She can tatih now (read: so lasak). Kalau dia nak tatih, dia akan cari kita punya thumb utk hold on to. And sambil tatih, suka nak pegang barang. One time, she tried to carry her beg baju. Beg tu lagi besar dari dia okay…Bercita2 tinggi btui.

o She makes alot of sound, that only she can understand. Sometimes she talks to her self or nyanyi sorang2. Bila dengar lagu, dah pandai goyang buntut.

o Her parut is still very visible. Kadang2 tu Nampak cam crook (Mat Komeng) pulak. Poor little girl. Dah penat taruk ubat, tapi tak nampak cam hilang pun. It’ll take some time I guess…I hope.

o She likes to watch Astro Ceria. Her favourite program? Postman Pat, Jim Jam and Sunny, Roary the racing car….. All because dia selalu bangun awal pagi, and we let her watch the cartoons while we are getting ready to go to work.

o Gigi dah enam batang (4 atas, 2 bawah). Da tumbuh sejak dia umur 8++ bulan. Gigi lain macam takde progress pun nak tumbuh...

o Dah pandai kiss mama and papa dia. Bila cakap ”Kiss mama, Anis..” dia pun datang and letak kepala dia kat muka kita. Kiss in her own way la. Okayla tu...ade la improvement.

o Dah kenal cat (kucing), lampu, kipas, bird, and a lot of other things... Bila suruh “bumbum” dia terus baring. Bila tgh main telefon mainan dia, and kita cakap “hello”, dia pun letak kat telinga dia. Bila pegang sikat, and suruh dia sikat rambut, dia letak sikat kat kepala dia...

o Pantang tengok cermin, mesti dia sengih and gelak2. So perasan, I wonder where she got that from....

o Suka main cak2. Sampai senget2 kepala.

Wait..My God! Dah almost 1 a.m. I better stop now, kang ade yg tak bangun sahur karang. Till later….Selamat berpuasa….:)

Monday, August 25, 2008


Sedih...Bila isu agama dibicarakan dengan sewenang-wenangnya oleh orang yg bukan arif.

Sedih...Bila sumpah dengan nama Allah diperkotak-katikkan dan dipermain-mainkan oleh masyarakat Islam sendiri.

Sedih...Bila sesama Islam cabar mencabar untuk bersumpah, sedangkan sumpah itu sendiri adalah pekara yang begitu besar, dan berat hukumnya.

Dan sedih...Melihatkan umat Islam berlumba-lumba untuk bersumpah. Seolah-olah sumpah itu adalah "trend" zaman sekarang untuk menegakkan kebenaran masing2.


Saturday, August 23, 2008


I’m so pissed with the political situation right now….

Here I am, watching the news and all they got is politicians “kutuk-ing” each other!

Don’t they realize that they are wasting the people’s money???
We PAID them to serve us and the country lah, not to make fuss about who’s right and who’s wrong, who’s better and who’s not, my way is better than yours and so on…

For God’s sake! Just dok diam2 in your office, buat kerja masing2 and find ways on how you can contribute to the wealth of the people!

Apo la....!

Monday, August 18, 2008

Tragic Saturday

I always have this crazy-worry feeling about Lil’ Anis’ safety…

What if she falls from the bed, her head knock the bedside and ada internal bleeding….? What if she wakes up in the middle of the night, put something in her mouth and choke to death…? What if someone kidnap her..? What if she falls from the 5th floor of my brother in law’s apartment…? What if…what if…..

Having all those thoughts, I’ve been very careful and always put my baby’s safety first. Never let her out of my sight. When she “tatih”, I make sure I always by her side, so I can grab her when she lost her balance. We had stopped sleeping on the katil since she started to crawl; and now my backpain is getting bad, with the pregnancy and all… I didn’t complain though... it is after all for my child’s safety.

However, seems like being very careful is not enough, you have to be EXTRA EXTRA careful when dealing with your child’s safety.

That’s what happened to me on one tragic Saturday. I was feeding her moi (bubur nasi) at my sis Muni’s house. I didn’t bring her usual feeding bowl, and rumah Muni pulak takde mangkuk plastik, so I had to use mangkuk kaca.

Lil’ Anis was standing on my left, and the bowl was on my right. My right hand was holding the spoon, the other hand was holding her when out of a sudden, she fell and smashed her face right into the bowl (I don’t know what had gone wrong because it happened so quickly but I think she was trying to grab the bowl).

When I saw the broken glass, I started to panic. I held her up and much to my surprise, I saw about one inch cut just next to her right eyes. Time tu Allah saje yg tau… Luckily Muni (she’s a doctor) was around and she immediately grabbed Anis and examined her wound. The cut was quite deep so Azmir, Muni and her husband took Anis to HUSM. I was asked to stay home….cause I was a bit hysterical...

So they went to the hospital and the doctor there put a glue to hold the wound together. If after 30 mins the wound open again, they would have to stitch the wound. After one hour, the surgical doctor inspected the wound and suggested we proceed with the stitching. Takut luka tu terbukak and lagi teruk parut nanti kalau kena jahit. We had no choice but to agree. While waiting, a second (more senior) doctor came, examined Anis and told us we don’t need to proceed with the stitching cause the glue seems enough to hold the wound. Nasib baik ada 2nd opinion. Kalau tak memang kami dah proceed ngan stitching. Kesian Anis. Dah la dia traumatic dah masa doctor pasang glue tu….

So now she’s healing perfectly. Dah takde open wound or “keruping”…Cuma ada merah2. However, we noticed that she’s a bit traumatic when we went to a clinic/ hospital for my antenatal check-up. Even when I changed her dressing pun, she cried like crazy...Sian dia. But Hubby said she was really brave on the way from my Sis’ house to the HUSM. Tak nangis sangat and sibuk tengok kereta…Cuma masa doctor treat dia, memang nangis gila la….

Now my next mission is to taruk ubat parut banyak2 kasi hilang itu parut. Right now I’m trying the BioOil, tapi my sis kata BioOil not so good. Mederna is better, tapi is it suitable for baby’s skin? Hmm...Any suggestion anyone?

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Look-alike Meter

We've been wondering who Little Anis resembles more, me or her Papa?
Some says Azmir Junior, some says ikut Mama...
When Jasmin introduced me to this website, I decided to give it a try...

And here's the result...

MyHeritage: Family trees - Genealogy - Celebrities - Collage - Morph

Hehe...Papa tak puas hati, kata meter rosak la, software tu pening la...etc..etc...
Ape2 aje lah...janji Mama menang! :)

Monday, April 14, 2008


-----Here’s how it started-----

I bought a new sport shoes, cost me about RM 200, saje la ni, for self encouragement kononnya supaya pergi ke aerobic session more religiously…

So I went for 2 aerobic sessions…

Manage to shed few kilos...

But still can’t fit into my old kebaya (although now manage to squeeze myself into my old jeans)

Bought new pair of ESPRIT jeans (as a gift for myself for successfully get rid of that excess weight), that is another RM 200 – nasib baik ada offer….

-----And here’s how it ends-----

Only to find out that..I’m pregnant again!

Don’t get me wrong. We are ABSOLUTELY happy and thankful for this blessed gift from Allah. Insyallah, I will be a mother of two before I turn 30! How cool is that?!

But at the sametime, thinking that I have to go through all the morning sickness (dah start pun skrg, as we speak), swollen feet, monthly antenatal check-up, the cravings, leg cramps bla bla bla…Adoi, penat la jugak. Plus, Little Anis bukan main lasak lagi now ni….

Well, a mother gotta do what a mother gotta do la kan – pass all the household tasks to hubby…. Nasib la kan. Sharing is caring kan Bb kan???

Thursday, February 14, 2008


Another outdated entry….

My god! Life’s been pretty hectic these days; I didn’t even have the chance to update this blog.

Anyway, now is another time for the performance appraisal – the time for you to sell your self, step up efforts, send various email to everyone (and cc to the managers) to show that you do your work, take up initiatives, create initiatives (and burden others to do it for you)… I mean, you have like the whole year to do all that, last2 minute ni la nak buat initiative tu, initiative ini….Kalu buat sendiri takpela jugak. Ni menyusahkan orang lain along the way….

It’s pretty shame to know that the performance appraisal (in my company) is still based on popularity. Staffs that are HIGHLY visible easily get a good rating while staffs that are low profile get just an average rating. I mean, being visible doesn’t mean he/she did a good job, and likewise, not being visible does not mean that he/she did not do a good job.

What sadden me the most, during the deliberation session, the management simply rank and decides this people is rating 2, these people is rating 3 without even see their PPA write up! Hello, YOU jugak yang suruh staff tulis a structured PPA, YOU jugak yang suruh tulis in detail segala efforts and initiatives yang staff tu dah buat. And yet, masa PPA review, YOU tak tengok pun PPA orang tu.

Do YOU know how much time was spent to karang all those cerita? The sleepless night…the overtime…. Kalau pun tak nak bagi good rating, baca la sikit PPA write up tu….! Appreciate la sikit!

Akak marah ni…

Hmm.. in the end, I guess that’s just how it goes la kan. Kalau dah kulitif tu kulitif jugak…What to do…The most important thing for me now, get my promotion, pack my bag, and leave Kerteh for good….Akak sudah bosan duduk di sini (not bosan with Kerteh, but bosan with PMO!)…huhuhuhu..