Sunday, July 29, 2007

Lain-Lain Holland Durian Nangka

I finally get my tax repayment from LHDN. The amount is less than I expected but I didn’t complain. Dapat ni pun dah kira bagus, after waiting for like 4 months.
Tu pun after I sent 2nd email to them with a closing statement like this : “Di harap pihak tuan dapat mengambil tindakan yang segera seperti dijanjikan di dada akhbar”.
Sent the e-maill on 9th, and got a CALL from LHDN two days later telling me that my request is being processed and I will get the cheque in another 14 working days.
So now, makcik kayo! Hehe…
I wonder if I ever gonna get my cheque if I didn’t send email berhantu tu. Hmmm...
Speaking of which, I received this email long time ago. Thought it’s funny until a friend of mine told me that the taxpayer is actually her friend.

A taxpayer called up the LHDN in Terengganu, and asked for Form B.
The LHDN clerk who answered the call asked for the address to send the form to. The conversation goes:

LHDN CLERK : "Boleh bagi alamat encik?" (Can you give me your address?)
TAXPAYER : "Hantar ke Ranhill Worley." (Send to Ranhill Worley)
LHDN CLERK : "Ranhill... eja macam mana?" (err... How to spell Ranhill?)
TAXPAYER : "R.. for Rumah... A for Ayam.. N for Nangka... H for Holland ... I for itik... L for lain-lain...." (spelling)
LHDN CLERK : "Ok.. nanti kami hantar ke alamat tu" (OK, we will send to that address...)

After waiting for a week, the form arrived - have a look at the address on the envelope!!!


Saturday, July 28, 2007

Face of the winner

It's 2.10p.m on Friday. Mana la Hubby ni, perut dah berkeroncong nak makan.....
Today i cooked gulai ikan kering with nenas, you know... to satisfy this baby in my belly. Hehehe...Dh lama gila craving...
Tapi hampeh, santan pulak berketul. How they do it eh? Everytime i cook curry, mesti ada yang tak kena....santan berketul la, serbuk kari tak cukup la....

While waiting, found this old pic...hehe..

This pic was taken when we went for the PMO Family Outing at Port Dickson. There was Mystery Drive Competition and we won! First prize lagi tu!

note : mana tak bangga, dalam mabuk2 tu... - 3 months preggie, hehehe...

Yeay, he's back from Friday's prayer..time to eat! Best!

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Breathe in, breathe out….

Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
The courage to change the things I cannot accept,
And the wisdom to hide the bodies of those people I had to kill today because they pissed me off.

And help me to remember...
When I'm having a really bad day,
And it seems that people are trying to piss me off,
That it takes 42 muscles to frown and
Only 4 to extend my middle finger and tell them to bite me!


Have you ever feel like strangling someone???? I do, now!
I just want to throttle his neck and watch he gasps for breath!

You see, there’s this one guy at my office who took over my responsibility as ****. Ever since, everything is a mess. And since I used to be in charge of this matter, people keep referring the subject to me (can’t blame them, dah orang yg in charge tu macam hidup segan mati tak mau).

Our new terminal is scheduled to have its first lifting this end of Jul. Prior to that, banyaklah pending items to be completed, all lifting issues that supposedly to be resolved by his group. Masalahnya, setiap kali meeting and orang tanya update dia akan jawab “Nanti I check balik…” The same answer….over and over again!

Hello brader! Orang buat meeting to know the status, not to remind you to do your work! Last last, mintak tolong assistant dia yg check. Baru la nampak progress. Kalu tak, hampeh….

Dah la orang tengah meeting dia boleh tido. Okay, fine la…maybe dia solat tahajjud and berwirid panjang the night before kot.

Itu baru satu issue, tak masuk issue2 besar yang lain lagi. Semua dia perap buat belacan. Dia ingat kerja ni main2 agaknya….And yet, masa gathering baru2 ni, everyone had to give a short speech about work etc. Nak tau apa dia cakap? “I rasa okay kerja kat sini. Kalau kat department lama dulu sampai malam baru balik, sekarang ni I can manage la. Pukul 5 dah siap2 boleh balik”………..&%$()#@!

What pissed me off more, my boss starts asking me to lead what supposed to be his task…. Well, I can if I want to, but I choose not to. Mana aci. I have million of other important tasks that need my attention. My boss, being diplomatic herself said la “I know that he’s not up to your speed. I hope you as a senior planner can assist him. After all it’s your field, and it’s your responsibility”

What the fish???????

Hubby selalu cakap, sabar….Orang mengandung takleh marah2. Kesian baby dalam perut…. Masalahnya, I just cannot tolerate such attitude. I don’t think anyone can. Can you??? Let me know, perhaps we can switch job....

Tapi seriously, if not for this baby in my tummy, and the fact that Hubby dah cakap tak nak bail me out if anything “bad” happen (seriously?)….dah lama dah aku cekik mamat ni….

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Muggles, Knut, Guidditch, Avada Kedavra…What??

The final book is finally out, and I haven’t got my copy yet!

Problem is, I’m waiting for the scholastic (US) version to come out (usually few days after the released of the UK version).
Why you may ask? Because all my other Harry Potter books are US version... So, kononnya nak complete the whole collection la. Mengada2 sangat nak sama, padan muka…

Padahal ari tu dah pegi TESCO and I almost buy the Bloomsbury version at a very cheap price. Stupid isn’t it?
Le ni dah dok kat Kerteh ni payah la nak cari HP books. Dh la MPH, Popular n Times boikot tak nak jual (what’s with this price war anyway??)

Anyway, semalam Azni went to KL for a meeting, she’ll be back by today. So awal2 lagi dah pesan soh dia tolong belikan. As usual, I will have to remind her few times la, maklumla, we are talking about Azni here…:)

Can’t wait! Should I fetch her at the airport???

Monday, July 23, 2007

An introduction

Hi all,

This is my 2nd attempt creating my own blog (don't ask what happened to my first one :))
Hope you like it, feel free to drop some comments if you wanna...

Till next entry...bye!