A very belated New Year wish from me…
Everyone is making their new year’s resolution; I don’t want to be left out.
So, apakah azam tahun baru saya?
A cliché statement would be : “My new year’s resolution is to be a better person, a better daughter to my parents, a better wife to my husband, a better mom to my kids, a better employee to my boss.. bla..bla..bla”. Yelah tu…
Hmm, what do I want to achieve by end of 2009? Let’s see….(not in priority order) :
1) To pass my assessment and gets promoted
I went for the interview last year with other 3 colleagues of mine, they all passed except me. Nak kata I did badly, takde la sangat (I think), although ada one tiny mistake I made during the interview. Hmm, so not fair (sejak bila pulak life ni fair kan?). Anyway, my boss who was also the interviewer tried to pujuk me (kononnya) and told me that for the bad thing that happens to us, there’ll always be a good thing to come. Hmm..sure did! A week later, I found myself pregnant with our second child. How’s that??! And that beautiful thing is lying next to me right now…so adorable…:)
2) Kuruskan badan (sambungan dari azam 2008)
Takde la sampai nak Heidi Klum’s body or Erra Fazira’s, but as a lady who still wears her maternity pants, this had to be put on top of my priority list. Weight is really not the issue; it’s the flabbiness that’s bothering me. I envy Rasha who came back from her maternity leave, wearing kebaya to the office. And Hana, a mother of two who doesn’t look like one. And me? I can’t even squeeze myself into my old jeans! (Perlu ke beli jeans baru???)
3) Upgrade my Kelisa (read : Buy a new car)
Boleh ke masuk ni dalam resolution’s list? Anyway, as a proud owner of a yellow Kelisa for more than 6 years, I think it’s the right time to get a new car, don’t you think? Mr Husband is against this, for now….at least. Perhaps this can wait another year, tengok la macam mana nanti…..:p
4) Update this blog more often (Although rasa cam susah je)
There you go! Whether those will come true or not, we just have to wait until end of 2009 to find out....*wink* wink*...
FC: ARTICLE 11- A Malaysian Dialogue
3 days ago
wah chanteknya layout!!! chaaaayalah! i still am not brave and bold enuff to have an azam tho :P
hehe..tahun baru, layout pun baru.
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