Today, little Anis genap one month old...phew, how swift time flies...
My whole life turns upside down, hehe, but it's all worth it. All the tiredness melt away just by watching her cute little face.
Now that the baby is out from my tummy, my next mission is to loose some weight and get my old figure back. Damn! jeans lama dah tak muat tu. Kebaya 2 pasang yang belum pakai pun (masa buat kebaya tu tak tau lagi dh ngandung) dah ketat sini sana...Adoi, cammana nk jadi hot mama ni!
Don't panic! there's still plenty of time...(yeah right!)
Well, it's gonna take some time, but as the saying goes..."Usaha Tangga Kejayaan"!
Wish me luck!
FC: ARTICLE 11- A Malaysian Dialogue
2 days ago